التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


عرض المشاركات من مايو, ٢٠١٧

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كان عمره ست وعشرون سنة، اسمه ستيبان فيلبوفيتش، كرواتي الجنسية،أسرته من قوات الفاشية و قبل أن يلتف الحبل حول عنقه صرخ : الموت للفاشية الحرية للشعوب A picture of  26-year-old Croatian anti-fascist Partisan, Stjepan Filipović, moments before he was hanged by Axis forces. As the rope was put around his neck, he defiantly thrust his hands out and shouted "Death to fascism, freedom to the people!" May his memory, and all those who died fighting fascism, never be forgotten.


"When the battle is over and the martyrs sleep, the cowards emerge from the alleys to tell us of their heroism."